Yamaha DTX Multi Pad, Drum Pad

EAN: 0086792932729 SKU: 98227P9C


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The DTX-MULTI 12 Electronic Percussion Pad features 12 trigger pads in a compact split-level configuration and includes 1,277 drum, percussion and effects sounds.

Utilizing the sound technology of the highly acclaimed Motif and DTXTREME III, the DTXM 12 will expand ANY drummer’s playing style with unlimited inspiration.

The DTXM 12 also has the ability to load digital samples for endless sound possibilities and rhythmic patterns in MULTIple styles that can be triggered from the pads.


The DTXM 12 is the first product of its type to be able to respond to MULTIple playing styles and applications in one unit.

Whether you use sticks, hands, or fingers – the M 12 responds to the dynamics of your performance.

Additionally, you can vary the sound while touching the pad or pressing a foot switch and up to four sounds can be velocity switched or layered per pad.


The DTX-MULTI 12 has many applications. It’s perfect for the acoustic drummer looking to add electronics to their kit; the hand percussionist who needs a full palette of percussion instruments in a versatile self-contained unit; or as a percussion controller for a producer in a recording studio setting. It’s a great solution for anyone looking to add top-notch percussion sounds and rhythms to their music.

1,061 drum / percussion / effects voices
216 keyboard voices from Motif library
100MB wave ROM
64 MB Flash ROM for loading custom WAV/AIFF files
USB – to device / host
Expandable via 5 aux trigger inputs
Hi hat control jack / foot switch / tap tempo
Stick, hand, and finger play mode


100MB Wave ROM with drum sounds from DTXTREME III
Layered pads have a natural feel when played with sticks or hands
64MB of built-in Flash-ROM for importing User Samples
“Hands” and “Fingers” modes allows for alternative play style
Bundled with Cubase AI – Plus the ability of M12 as remote controller


Better playability due to staggered triggers even on a dark stage
Sounds stay in memory so they’re ready to play when you are
Hand percussion parts can be played/sequenced more naturally
Use your computer to record audio samples and sequences then load them into the DTX-M12